Sunday, January 10, 2010

30 Day Shred - Day 1

I had a pretty productive weekend - worked on reorganizing my home office, which is my work space. Tossed a lot of stuff. A LOT. Also got rid of my table and chairs, which was pure profit, since they were given to me by my friend Kristin, a little over six years ago.

Now, I didn't state this as a New Year's Resolution, but I'm trying to lose 10 pounds and also basically get in better shape. I'd like to lose more inches than anything. If I lose 3 pounds, I'm actually in a "healthy" BMI for my weight, but a lot of it is not muscle. As much as I'd love to join a gym and get coached/yelled at by a personal trainer, that's just not feasible right now. Plus my schedule isn't condusive to a trainer since I travel a lot. What to do, what to do? I'd heard from various people about Jillian Michael 30 Day Shred. So I headed to Amazon, and read some additional reviews, which were mostly favorable.

First of all, the last time I worked out was, um....this summer I walked a couple miles one Saturday. I do a lot of stairs, but I think my body has adapted to my previous third floor apartment and the fact that I now have a three story townhouse. Needless to say, I'm an out of shape person, who isn't that overweight. The only problem that I foresee is that my medication has decreased my sweating. You might think that's awesome, it makes you overheated.

So I sat down to watch the DVD first. There are three levels, and it's recommended that you start with level 1, which is 20 minutes. After a warm up, Jillian and her two pals, go back and forth between strength training, cardio, abs and repeat twice. It looked easy enough when I was watching it. Those of you that work out would probably zip right through level one with no problems. The strength part was no problem. I looked forward to those segments. It's almost like a break, since there are no breaks. Cardio started off easy, but again, I'm out of shape. I wanted to die. But I did it, I did the whole 20 minutes. I'm hoping that by this time next week, I won't want to die by the time the 20 minutes is up.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I swear by this video. I love it. I lost 7 lbs pretty easily and didn't change my diet hardly at all. By the 3rd or 4th day, it gets easier. Just keep with it. :) I am re-starting it tomorrow. I took a couple weeks off b/c I got sick b/f xmas and have only picked it up here and there. but i am ready to get back on it tomorrow. It really changes your body and it's amazing how fast the changes take place.